Isaiah 45
God's message to Cyrus Vs 1-8
What God will do with Cyrus vs1
What God will for Cyrus vs 2-3a
God's purpose for giving Cyrus success vs 3b-6
Who God is to fulfill these words vs 7
God's summary vs 8
Do not question God vs 9-13
Do not quarrel with your Maker vs 9a
2 examples to not question God vs 9b-10
Israel's correct response vs 11-13
God exalting the Jews vs14-19
What other nations will do vs 14
God is greater than other gods vs 15-17
Who God is vs18-19
God's invitation vs 20-25
God challenges idol worshipers bs20-21
God urges idolaters to turn to Him vs22
All will bow down to God vs 23
What men will say to God vs 24
All Israel will be justified vs25